Introduction to Zodiacal Releasing

Hello everyone, welcome to your intro to an Ancient Hellenistic Timing Technique known as Zodiacal Releasing. In this blog post, we’re going to break down what Zodiacal Releasing is, the philosophy behind the technique, how it works, and how to use it in practice, so without further ado, let’s get started!

Zodiacal Releasing is a time lord technique that breaks up the individual’s life into different sections. Chris Brennan’s analogy for this is that Zodiacal Releasing breaks up your life, as if it were a book, and shows you defining moments in time where different chapters of your life would begin and end. In addition to showing chapters, it can break down your life into different sections, paragraphs, and sentences. The purpose of Zodiacal Releasing is to show you the qualitative nature and themes one would encounter in a given period of their life, that contributes to an overarching narrative of how the individual will experience their life. The reason this technique is called Zodiacal Releasing is that we will be utilizing Lots, Arabic Lots, Arabic Parts, they go by many names, and letting them be released from their fixed position in the chart, and move around the chart in zodiacal order, hence the name Zodiacal Releasing. We release a specific Lots to track the topics and significations associate with that lot, and break up the individual's life into a narrative, showing us the different time periods of experience that individual will have, that are associate with the topics of that lot.

With Zodiacal Releasing, we are primarily working with 3 Lots, however, you can technically use Zodiacal Releasing for ANY lot of your choice, although research has only been done with these three: The Lot of Fortune, The Lot of Spirit, and the Lot of Eros.

The Lot of Fortune

The Lot of Fortune (I will be referring to this as ‘Fortune’ from hereon) is probably the base lot that is going to be used in interpretation for Zodiacal Releasing, due to its significations. In order to understand the lots we must understand the planets it derives from. Fortune derives from the Moon, and the lunar principle is reactivity from external circumstances that cause our life to wax and wane the same way the Moon’s light waxes and wanes. The Moon receives the light of the Sun, and that amount of light can fluctuate and change, and being that the Moon is the closest body to Earth, it was seen to be the bridge that materializes the effects from the higher spheres of the planets and stars, carries the light, and brings it down to Earth, materializing the effects of the heavens. As a result, the Lot of Fortune, being derived from the Moon, has a lot to do with matter, physicality, and external circumstances beyond our control. The circumstances that change the direction of our life, not caused by any will we exert, but the will of others that we are subjected to is Fortune. One, very simple, keyword I like to use for describing Fortune is ‘fate’.

The Lot of Spirit

Now the next lot we can examine is the Lot of Spirit, which I will be referring to as ‘Spirit’ from hereon. This is another important lot but it is not a base lot we use for Zodiacal Releasing, however, it is important because Spirit is the most common lot to release from. In order to understand Spirit, we must understand the planet it derives from: the Sun. The Sun’s principle is to exert energy since it is the generator of light and heat. The Sun has connotations of Spirit since it is the non-tangible part of the individual, opposite to the Moon. It is the will inside of us: the will to act and feeling so compelled and moved to exert our will into the world. The will is a powerful thing. The will to act. The will is our agency and our choice. This is the Lot of Spirit: the choices we actively make in our daily lives. It represents where our mind and focus will be towards. Spirit represents our agency, our mind, and things that we do of our own volition. What motivates us and compels us so much so that we chose to act upon it. The Lot of Spirit shows how we take charge of our fate and change our destiny by exerting our will. Our will is so strong that it is able to change our fate. Spirit is the way the individual influences their environment as a result of their choices, decisions, and actions. The keyword, contrasting to the Lot of Fortune, that I like to use for Spirit is ‘Free Will’.

Defining Chapters

Now that we’ve defined our main two lots, Fortune and Spirit, we will go over how Zodiacal Releasing breaks up your life into different chapters. The two ways this happens is via Zodiacal Releasing’s version of Angular Triads. If you’re familiar with the concept of Angular Triads, then this should be familiar to you, if not we can break these down.

An Angular Triad groups 3 houses together, one of each kind: an Angular House, a Succedent House, and a Cadent House. Angular Houses are pivotal points in the sky, where the direction and motion of planets change, thus representing prominence and strength. Succedent Houses follow the Angular Houses, and come before the Angular Houses, and planets here are rising to the angular houses, and thus they have significations of increase in prominence and strength. Cadent Houses come after the Angular Houses, representing a decline and fall away from power and prominence that the Angular House brings. Angular Triads focus much more on the prominence of how a planet will present itself, and the strength it has to make itself known. Angular Planets make themselves much more prominent, Succedent Houses come right after in planetary strength, and Cadent Houses come last and are considered weak and a decline from power. There are 4 sets of 3 Angular Triads:

Angular Triads.png
  • The Ascendant’s Triad: 2, 1, 12

  • The Midheaven’s Triad: 11, 10, 9

  • The Descendant’s Triad: 8, 7, 6

  • The Subterrenean’s Triad: 5, 4, 3

Now when we define our periods, we wont necessarily be using this terminology of angular triads, but the concept is very similar. We have a Triad of Periods, a buildup period, a climactic period, and a cooldown period. Instead of using Succedent, Angular, Cadent we use: Preparatory, Peak, and Resolution.

Preparatory Periods are Periods of buildup, where, if the released Lot is in a Preparatory Period, the individual is doing a lot of— can you guess— preparatory work, that will eventually climax when brought to the Peak Period. While you may think of Peak Periods as a ‘high’ point, it’s not necessarily a high, but a climax. It’s a period of heightened activity where you’re engaged in exerting your will A LOT. With Peak Periods, it’s important to know that they will always be signs Angular from the Lot of Fortune, because what it symbolically represents is that, when Spirit (or any other lot) enters a hard aspect (square or opposition) with Fortune, it is a friction builder and releaser, which is what the square and opposition do as aspects, being that they are ruled by Mars and Saturn; when any lot is angular to Fortune, it represents that your external circumstances are aligning with your will/desires/etc. to create a climax of events, similar to being at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. After your Peak Periods, we come to your Resolution Periods, where everything that was done in the Preparatory and Peak Period is finally being brought to fruition and completion.

An analogy I often use for Preparatory Periods, and to describe the whole sequence of the nature of each period, is the process of planting a fruit tree. In the Preparatory, you plant your seed in the Earth, and it’s sprouting, growing its roots, but you cannot yet see that it has pushed against the Earth to reveal its stem. I sometimes call Preparatory Periods “Initiatory Periods” because it is a period where the individual will initiate an action that will come to blossom over the next 3 periods. When that plant has sprouted and has started growing, that would be the Peak Period. You can track and monitor the growth of that plant and can clearly see that there is a LOT going on with it. Finally, the Resolution Period is when that plant has grown so much that the flowers that were once on the tree have turned to fruit you can finally pick. The Resolution Period is where one reaps the consequences of their actions initiated in the Preparatory Periods, and brings the previous two periods to full fruition. Depending on your chart setup, this can look like picking fruit off of a tree, or it could be that your plant has died.

Now that we’ve identified that there are 3 types of periods, how do we identify them in the chart? By looking at the Lot of Fortune. The Quadruplicity of the Lot of Fortune will be your Peak Periods, as when a released lot makes a hard aspect to Fortune (square or opposition) it represents a friction builder and eventual climax releaser, since the hard aspects have the nature of the Malefics: Mars and Saturn. The Quadruplicity before the sign of the Lot of Fortune is the Preparatory Periods, whereas the Quadruplicity after the sign of the Lot of Fortune will be the Resolution Periods. Lets look at an example:

motion of wheel.png

If we have the Lot of Fortune in Sagittarius: we know the angles from fortune are our Peak Periods, so any of the other Mutable Signs will be Peak Periods. The sign before Sagittarius is Scorpio, so the angles from Scorpio, the Fixed Signs, will be known as our Preparatory Periods. The Sign after Sagittarius is Capricorn, so the angles from Capricorn, the Cardinal Signs, will be our Resolution Periods. Here’s a visual for reference. Sag is marked as the ASC, since in this example this is where the Lot of Fortune is.

Motion of Releasing

Next, we have to know the length of time each lot will be in each sign, as its being released in zodiacal order. One of the distinctions I want to make about Zodiacal Releasing and how it works as a timing technique, and what I will borrow as an explanation from Abu Ma’shar, is that there are two different types of timing techniques: symbolic and real-time. When we look at real-time timing techniques, we’re talking about things like transits, which we can track in real-time. Symbolic timing is where we will create parameters for something being activated in the chart by symbolically ascribing a progression to be representative of a quantity of time. One example of this is Annual Profections: we allow each house to be representative of one year of life, and then as the individual hits their next birthday, the next house in sequential order becomes activated. Secondary Progressions also does this, where it ascribes moving the chart a day forward to be representative of one year of life.

Zodiacal Releasing does something similar, in the sense that it uses Symbolic Timing, however, the way each period is calculated is based on the number of years allotted to the sign the released lot is in. Each sign has a number of years ascribe to it, known as its “Lesser, Great, or Greater Years”. Zodiacal Releasing uses the Lesser Years of the Signs, and this is determined by the planet that rules each sign, and its synodic cycle, the time it takes for a planet and the Sun to conjoin at the same degree of the zodiac. So the setup for each Planet’s Synodic Cycle is the following:

  • The Sun: 19 Years

  • The Moon: 25 Years

  • Mercury: 20 years

  • Venus: 8 Years

  • Mars: 15 Years

  • Jupiter: 12 Years

  • Saturn: 30 Years

Now, this is the length of periods whenever a lot moves into that sign in years. So if a Lot is in the sign of Leo in the Natal Chart, it will remain in that sign for the first 19 years of life, and after those 19 years are completed, the Lot will move into the next sign in zodiacal order, Virgo, and stay there for the next 20 years. After those 20 years are up, the Lot will move into the next sign, Libra, where it will stay for the next 8 years of life. Catching my drift?

You’ll notice that these are very long increments of time, but the cool thing about Zodiacal Releasing is that these longer periods of time are just one level. Remember the analogy of breaking up the individual’s life into a book, with chapters, paragraphs, and sentences? Zodiacal Releasing does this via its feature of multiple sub-periods within the greater Level 1 Period. There are 4 Levels on Zodiacal Releasing, each level showcasing the motion of the Lot being released at a faster and faster rate.

On Level 1, we have the planetary synodic periods as our unit of measurement of time. On Level 2, these years turn into months. So if we’re in an Aquarius Period on Level 2, instead of this being 30 years, it turns into 30 months. Or a Taurus Period on Level 2 goes from 8 years to 8 months. When we get to Level 3 and 4, the calculation for these levels gets a little tricky because now we’re dividing these numbers by 12, but then we need to convert them from the Egyptian Calander (360 days) to the Gregorian Calander, (365/6 Days) which is a lot of math and a lot of work. Luckily for us, we live in 2021 and not in 2nd Century Athens, so we have calculators that can calculate the length of periods for us. I recommend using the following:

Example showcasing how each sub period falls into each other

Example showcasing how each sub period falls into each other

There’s also an option on Astro Gold, in Extended Chart Selection, to tik the box “with Zodiacal Release” if you prefer Additionally, other software like Solar Fire and Astro Gold have Zodiacal Releasing features in their software which is great. You don’t need to memorize the period lengths to do Zodiacal Releasing, because the calculator will show you when they start and end, but it’s good to know the rationale behind it. These sub-periods will end up looking like this, since every L2 Period is the sub-period of an L1 Period, and every L3 period is the sub-period of an L2 Period, and every L4 period is the sub-period of an L3 period.

You’ll see that L1 is Aquarius in this chart, which means on Level 1, the chosen Lot is in the sign of Aquarius, and will be there for the next 30 years since Aquarius Periods last 30 years in length. If we look at L2, we see that the highlighted period in yellow is a Pisces Period, which means the chosen Lot would stay in that sign on Level 2 for 12 months. Then on level 3, the Lot of Spirit is in a Gemini Period, and on Level 4, the Lot of Spirit is in a Leo Period.

Determining the Quality of a Period

So, we’ve defined that we have Preparatory, Peak, and Resolution Periods, and how to find them, and how long they will stay in each sign, we can now determine the quality of each of these periods. Do they feel more challenging? Are they more beneficial? Here’s an outline of how to interpret Periods.

Interpretation of periods will primarily depend on a few things. The main one is: Malefics or Benefics in that Quadruplicity. You want to examine the Cardinal Signs, Fixed Signs, and Mutable quadruplicities individually and count how many benefics or malefics are in each. If there is a malefic in an angle, that period would be qualitatively experienced as challenging. Especially if its the malefic out of sect there, whereas the malefic of sect would be difficult but not terribly challenging. Whereas if we had benefics in one of the 3 quadruplicities, depending on which one it was, it would be experienced as more beneficial and supportive, especially if it were the benefic of sect there, whereas the benefic out of sect may be less rewarding. If there are malefics and benefics in the same quadruplicity, you would need to evaluate the planetary condition of both planets, and see which one was stronger, and the stronger planet would be the dominant influence over the period. Generally, malefics and benefics in the same angles would indicate high highs and low lows in terms of quality. To sum this up in bullet points, this is what you want to examine:

  • Look at each of the 3 Quadruplicites and examine if there are Malefics or Benefics there

    • Malefics in a quadruplicity mean they're more challenging periods

    • Benefics in a quadruplicity mean they’re more supportive Periods

    • Both Malefics and Benefics in a quadruplicity mean they’re mixed

Additionally, once you’ve determined the quality of what the Preparatory, Peak, and Resolutions Periods will be like depending on which quadruplicity they rule over, you will have to individual asses each sign’s ruler through looking at things like sect, essential dignity, bonification, maltreatment, and other conditions that would either hinder or support that planet. Assessing Planetary Condition is a must to understanding Zodiacal Releasing, so if you are unfamiliar with that, I recommend picking up a copy of Demetra George’s book “Ancient Astrology: In Theory and Practice, Volume I: Assessing Planetary Condition”.

Ultimately, through assessing the planets in the quadruplicites and assessing the ruler of each sign, by assessing planetary condition, you will be able to determine the quality of each period. You’ll be able to understand if peak periods are more uplifting and supportive, or if Preparatory Periods are more challenging and have ‘road blocks’.

Putting It All Together

So now that we’re here, and we’ve explained how the technique works: how do we interpret it? I’m going to share how I interpret each period and the prep work that I do for Zodiacal Releasing to help you gain a sense of understanding of how to use and integrate this technique.

I first like to make an outline of all our significators, because they will be relevant and help us organize our thoughts with Zodiacal Releasing. First

  • Identify the Sign of Fortune and its Lord

  • Identify the Sign of Spirit (or any lot you release from) and it’s Lord

Secondly, you’re going to want to define which Type of period rules over each Quadruplicity, based on the location of Fortune. Remember: Quadrupulicity of Fortune is a Peak Period, the quadruplicity before it is a Preparatory Period, and the quadruplicity after is a Resolution Period.

  • Preparatory: Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable?

    • Angular Planets:

  • Peak: Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable?

    • Angular Planets:

  • Resolution: Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable?

    • Angular Planets:

Third, you’re going to want to make some judgments about the planets in those angles, and interpret them as you would when you assess planetary conditions. Malefics will make the period challenging, benefics will make it supportive, and both will be a mixed bag.

Fourth, you’re going to want to find the period activated, whether it be in your chart or someone else’s, and take a look at the following (this is my personal checklist).

Assessing the Lord of an Activated Period
- Sign:
- House:
- Angularity:
- Speed:
- Sect:
- Hemisphere:
- Star Phase:

Assessing an Activated Period
- Sign:
- Phase:
- Start Date:
- End Date:
- Lord of the Period:
- Angular Planets:
- House from the ASC:
- House from Fortune:

From here you can make judgments about the nature of the period, what topics will be brought to the forefront of the individual’s life, how they will be experienced, whether they’re a state of preparing, a busy climactic phase, or trying to close something and bring something to resolution; will it be easy to do these things, or more difficult? What topics will be activated? Look to the house that sign rules in the natal chart.

Example Chart: The Person Writing this Article

Max Chart Example.png

Now this all can look VERY confusing, but let's interpret an example chart together, and I’ll outline how I interpret charts for Zodiacal Releasing. For this example, we are going to be using MY chart LOL, because what Venus in Leo person wouldn’t? Anywho, let’s stay objective here.

Let’s start with identifying a few important things: where is Fortune? And for this example we will be releasing from Spirit, so lets identify Spirit.

Fortune is at 19º33’ of Leo in the 3rd house, and Spirit is at 19º32’ of Aries in the 11th.

We’ve identified Fortune, and being that it is in a Fixed Sign, we know that the angles from Fortune will be peak periods, so the Fixed Signs will be Peak Periods. The Quadruplicity before the sign of Fortune are our Preparatory Periods, and we see the sign before Leo is Cancer, which is a Cardinal Sign, thus our Preparatory Periods would be Cardinal Signs. Finally, we know the quadruplicity after the sign of Fortune is our Resolution Periods, and the sign after Leo is Virgo, so our Mutable Signs would be our Resolution Periods. Broken down simply:

  • Preparatory: Cardinal

  • Peak: Fixed

  • Resolution: Mutable

Our next step is to see what Malefics and benefics are each quadruplicity. In our Cardinal Signs, we see that we have Jupiter in Cancer, as a benefic, and Mars in Capricorn as a malefic. In our Fixed Signs, we see the only malefic or benefic is Venus, as a benefic, in Leo. Finally, in our Mutable signs, we see the only malefic or benefic is Saturn, as a malefic, in Gemini. Now we can make inferences on how each Preparatory, Peak, and Resolution period will be experienced based on this information, which gets broken down into this:

  • Preparatory: Cardinal
    - Angular Planets: Jupiter and Mars

  • Peak: Fixed
    - Angular Planets: Venus

  • Resolution: Mutable
    - Angular Planets: Saturn

We’ve identified the malefics and benefics in each quadruplicity, now we can make basic inferences about how each period will be qualitatively felt. Our Preparatory Periods will be a mixed bag, because we have both a malefic and benefic here, not to mention both planets are extremely dignified by being in their exaltation. I would be inclined to say that these periods might be experienced as more malefic though, because Mars is of the sect, since this is a night chart, and Jupiter is the out of sect benefic. Generally, it will be a mixed bag. When we get to the Peak Periods, we can definitely say these will be more beneficial for the individual, because Venus is the benefic of sect and the only planet in this angle, which helps to bring the goods! I will say though, Venus is in a challenging position, zodiacally, in this chart, as well as the house placement, so it may take more effort for this benefic to materialize. When we examine our Resolution Periods, we can definitely say this will be a much more challenging period, because Saturn, as the out of sect malefic, is the only planet in this angle, not to mention it’s angular in the chart. These periods will generally be very challenging for the individual. When we overlay this on top of the Preparatory, Peak, and Resolution Periods, we can say that in the Preparatory Periods, when things are initiated, they can receive a lot of support and momentum, however, they will be contested with obstacles to face simultaneously. When the individual is in a Peak Period, the climax will be pleasant and supportive for the individual. Finally, when the Resolution Period rolls around, they might find challenging and difficult tasks around completion, transitions, and bringing whatever was started to closure due to lots of delays and intense slowness. There’s definitely more you could say around the nature of each period, but I want to showcase a little more on how you would interpret each period.

Zodiacal Releaisng sheet max example.png

Now let’s take a look at our Zodiacal Releasing Periods, and see what is currently activated now. This calculator is from Astro Gold. Today is currently April 12th, 2021, so on each Level, we would find the period in which today’s date falls in.

On Level 1, it would be a Taurus Period, since it starts on June 25, 2016, and ends on May 14, 2024. On Level 2 it would be a Leo period, since it starts on November 1st, 2020, and ends May 25, 2022. On Level 3 it would be a Sagittarius Period, since it starts on April 5, 2021 and ends May 5, 2021. And on Level 4 it would be a Capricorn Period, since it starts on April 8th and ends April 14th, 2021.

From here we can now start to make inferences and see what the current state of things are for the individual. I will say that generally, Level 1 and 2 Periods will be the more important periods to track and take note of, especially in client work since you would really need to ‘know’ the individual, or have their life be very public, to really track what’s going on in the smaller sub-periods. However, let’s take a look at this Taurus and Leo Period. We see that both of these Periods are Fixed Signs, and thus it would represent a Peak Period on both Level 1 and 2. On Level 1, we know this is a pretty big Peak Period, because this is the sign that is 10th from Fortune (if we treat Leo as the ASC, since it’s the sign of Fortune, the 10th sign from Leo is Taurus) it represents a dramatic culmination and peak of events in the individual’s life.

Since this is a Taurus Period, its ruler is Venus in Leo, who is the benefic of sect, who is also angular, so generally, this will be a pleasant period to experience. Taurus rules the 12th house, meaning a lot of 12th house themes may come up during this period, such as loss, sorrow, confinement, isolation, or powerlessness. However, because this period is ruled by a benefic planet, we might get some of the more positive manifestations of the 12th house, which can still bring up the aforementioned, but a removal of that which causes one to suffer, leaving and purging all that restraints, confines, and restricts causing powerlessness.

If we take a look at our Leo Period, we know that this is the sign where Fortune resides, and thus it is important as well. This is a Peak Period within the context of another Peak Period, so we can make the inferences that the individual is really busy and is doing a lot of activities during this time period. Possibly pertaining to 3rd house matters, such as writing, short distance travels, dreams, divination, engaging with the neighborhood and environment, but also dealing with family, home, and domestic matters because the Lord of the 3rd is the Sun in the 4th, who is the Out of Sect Light, which can be experienced as malefic. However, because this is the period where Venus is in, there could be some sort of transition from malefic experiences within the home life, to something more positive and supportive, which has definitely been the case in this period. After my mom and I were being kicked out of our living situation, we were forced to relocate and move to Florida, where we are currently staying, and we actually just found a place to move into now! So the manifestation of this 3rd/4th house situation is definitely going from challenging to supportive. Additionally, in dealing with my career, it’s definitely been a peak for me as an Astrologer. I’ve luckily seen over 200 clients, integrated myself into the community, and amasses a lot of support from folks on Twitter. Another way you could interpret Zodiacal Releasing Periods is by the sign and planet that rules them alone. With this Leo Period, there is the influence and the desire to want to be seen, recognized, and have the spotlight put on the individual, which has definitely been the case.

One of the very striking examples in this Zodiacal Releasing sequence is that the transitions from each period can be very stark, which is part of the reason why I chose to use my chart. You’ll see I was in a Cancer Preparatory Period from October 13th, 2018 until November 1st, 2020 when I entered that Leo Period. What I found very odd is that when that Cancer Period started, just 5 days after, I moved from my apartment in the Bronx that I had been living in for 15 years to my grandmother’s apartment in Manhattan, due to ‘eviction (its complicated). That experience in living in that apartment was terrible, as you may now infer since we were kicked out, however in this period, it’s when I started getting into building my brand as an Astrologer and really having a desire to integrate myself into the community, and so it was during this time I officially joined AstroTwitter. So we see the influence of the Jupiter/Mars angular coming up here. On one end, it was a very challenging and terrible experience with family and domestic matters, but for my career, it definitely felt like a preparatory period in which I have had a lot of support. Get this though, 2 days before that Cancer Period ended, my mother and I moved to Florida (On October 30th) right before this Leo Period was about to start. I find this absolutely insane because I moved into my grandmother’s apartment right when the Cancer Period started, and I lived there for a duration of 2 years, and EXACTLY as that period was about to transfer over to Leo, I moved out and moved to an entirely different state. Being that Leo rules the 3rd house, of your environment and neighborhood, that was and still is a major theme of my life right now, assimilating into this environment that I am now in very frequently in, and trying to integrate myself into a new living environment. This Leo Period is still ongoing and will continue to be ongoing until May of 2022, so maybe if I do another article or piece on Zodiacal Releasing, I will check back in with everyone to see what the full picture of this Leo period was about. But I wanted to showcase this particular example because the transitions between periods on Level 2 can be so stark and SO clearly defined, as seen with my life events. And it is for this reason why Zodiacal Releasing breaks up your life into a book, showcasing when one chapter will end and another will begin.

Concluding Remarks

I will say that there is so much more I can go into about Zodiacal Releasing, and actually a lot we haven’t even covered. This is just a primer on Zodiacal Releasing for those who may be unfamiliar with the technique to warm up their ZR muscles, and to help demonstrate how this technique works. If you’re interested in learning more about this technique, I highly recommend taking Chris Brennan’s full Zodiacal Releasing Class on his website. Chris is where I learned this technique from, and being that this technique is only around 20-30 years old, after being buried and lost for over 2,000 years, there is still a lot more development needed to be done with this technique. Part of this article, and part of my work as an Astrologer, is to revive the tradition and to help bring more insight and clarity to some of these ancient techniques that have been dormant, like a volcano waiting to erupt, so that future generations will not have the same struggles of inaccessibility to Astrological knowledge for various reasons, whether it be because of world events, transmission not occurring from one culture to another, lack of translation, etc.

If you have any questions about Zodiacal Releasing, please feel free to leave a comment down below, or to email me at

Additionally, I do regularly use Zodiacal Releasing with my clients, so if you’ve appreciated this article and are interested in having your Zodiacal Releasing Periods explored in-depth, consider booking a consultation with me here:


AstroWeather: Exploring Malefics and Benefics


Basic Primer on Aspects in Astrology