Autumn Astro Weather Update

Mercury enters Shadow on September 6th, 2021 at 4:05 PM ET at 10°07’ of Libra. Mercury will now be moving over the degrees of Libra it will retrograde over starting Sept 27th ending Oct 18th. The Moon was in Virgo, Mercury’s sign, highlighting this entrance, on the Moon’s Day (Monday). Whatever comes up as relevant plotlines in your life in the house that Libra rules from today (9.6) until September 27th, will eventually be reviewed or thoroughly examined in terms of decision making that establishes connections, alliances, and friendship until Oct 18th. Look to see what houses Mercury rules (Gemini and Virgo) and then take a look at how those themes are showing up in the house that Libra rules, since this is where this Retrograde will be taking place.

Mercury Retrograde in Libra (9.27-10.18)

Mercury is FLYING through Libra. Mercury is flying now, but will eventually slow down and go Retrograde. Relationships are the theme of this Mercury Retrograde, because this is in the home of VENUS BABY. Avoid being too friendly with everyone, because Venus will be in Scorpio, in a mutual reception to Mars in Libra. Venus in Scorpio in transit can indicate people feeling jealous, or a dislike, disdain, for someone. It’s easy to know who you hate with Venus in Scorpio. And Venus will be ruled by Mars in Libra, who cannot act because of the binding force of stillness of balance to maintain relationships that restricts the will of the individual. Aka:

Its like the expression, your closest friends smile in your face, and throw dirt on your name in private.

Who do you REALLY trust is the question for this transit. And who is worthy of seeing your own underbelly (as in the underbelly of Venus in Scorpio). Trust, alliances, connections, all have the potential to split, become re-evaluated, and it’s really a huge test of how much trust you should be placed in others, and it will illuminate who should is worthy of having your trust and commitment. Mercury Retrogrades may not be indicative of changes in romantic relationships, although relationships can change during Mercury Retrograde, but this time around feel very strongly that love is relevant for the transit because Mercury is in Venus’s sign, the natural significator of love and connections. Not only does Mercury go Retrograde in Venus’s sign, but Mercury will also station Retrograde in its own Decan it rules in Libra (20°-29°59’ Libra) at 25°28’.

This decan deals with the natural cycle of balance being that things will eventually leave equilibrium. We will find conflicting sides, opinions, and perspectives that seemingly contract each other. With Mercury, these conflicts of truths, facts, and information will all be under review during the Retrograde period. Mercury and Jupiter create a storm here, and this Decan shows the eye of the storm, according to Austin Coppock in 36 Faces (Page 169).

One interesting thing about this Mercury Retrograde is that Mercury will trine Jupiter 3 times, once while in shadow, once during the retrograde, and a final one during the aftermath, but, both planets station Direct hours apart on October 18th.

Mercury in Libra may bring news about what sort of retraction happened during the Jupiter in Aquarius re-ingress during July 28th. After leaving its home sign, Jupiter has some ties left to cut before it can delve into freedom to find fulfillment.

These ties are being cut now.

If you need to do cord cutting work, this Retrograde is honestly the perfect time to do that, because the nature of this retrograde is rejection, dislike in relationships, ending relationships, challenges in relationships since Venus will be in Scorpio when Mercury stations. Not only will Venus be in Scorpio, in a Mutual Reception to Mars in Libra, Venus will also be squared to Saturn. Venus/Saturn in hard aspect usually deals with rejection, feeling isolated, alienated, outcasted, feeling unattractive, and undesirable.

Know that you are incredible.

This Retrograde may bring up these challenging feelings, however, this ultimately ties back into the Jupiter in Aquarius plotline that’s goal and journey is about finding fulfillment and removing what is not a part of “the vision” for the future. Whatever is taken out of your life during this time was not meant to give you long-lasting fulfillment, and that’s okay, as hard as that may sound. Saturn usually brings the mood down. However, when Jupiter enters Pisces on Dec 28th, there’s an understanding of why the changes that took place were necessary. Look at where you’re at now. Jupiter will be back in its domicile, here to stay and allow our “take-off” to finally happen in order to achieve that happiness and fulfillment we have been seeking. In Pisces, usually, we find it looking deep inside ourselves for our longing and desires. Whatever that looks like to you varies from person to person, but valuing deeper connection to people is something Pisces knows well with it being the home of Jupiter and the Exaltation of Venus. Pay attention to those who support you during this time, because those people are worth having around. I’m talking a lot about relationships and friendships because Venus is the star of this Mercury Retrograde. Mercury is just the medium that Venus moves through. Venus represents what we’re attracted to, what we’re drawn to, what makes us feel good, pleasure, and enjoyment.

Mutable Rising people will have all the rulers of their Angular Houses simultaneously station Direct on October 18, 2021 at

Jupiter: 1:30 AM ET; Mercury: 11:17 AM ET

Jupiter also deals with friendship and people, dreams, or goals you aspire towards, there is some re-evaluation towards the task and steps that are necessary to get to your dreams. Draw up a new road map to get to your destination, because it might not be where you think

Venus in Scorpio (9.10-10.7)

What does Venus do in Scorpio, the sign of her detriment? Venus is the planet in which “all things spring from thee, o power divine”, and in Scorpio representing the sign of death, Venus has the ability to resuscitate what is in the process of dying or decay. Venus in Scorpio makes what one is attracted to being the rawness or passion, desire, and longing for deeper connection and intimacy. Venus may be in Detriment here but she has substantial dignity, the same way she does in Virgo. Venus has dignity by Triplicity during the Daytime, rules 20°-29°59’ of Scorpio and also has, bound rulership from 7°-11° of Scorpio. Venus has some support here to embrace the Venusian. I think of Venus as a planet of connection, and Venus in Scorpio has a knack for being able to handle the rawness and soft underbelly of the Scorpion. Scorpions have this hard exoskeleton that protects their soft underbelly, and Venus IS that underbelly in Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio is the ferocity of vulnerability which is not accessible to just everyone. Only those who have shown they are worthy can be able to see the underbelly of the Scorpion, and who have proven their trust and that they are not a threat. Trust and connection does not become something that is as accessible in the way Venus in Pisces or in Domicile might display it. There is a reserved nature to Venus in Scorpio, and this reservation allows us to weed out who is there to comfort us or potentially harm us. Venus will be in Scorpio from Sept 10th to Oct 7th when it will enter Sagittarius. Mercury is having an extended stay in Venus’ sign, so Venus’s ingresses will be relevant for developing the plot in this Mercury Retrograde cycle. Venus in Scorpio is important for this Retrograde. I want everyone to really examine which ways people have access to vulnerable parts of themselves (physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally) via intimacy that may not be deserving of it. Allow people to fight for you and prove themselves as worthy to have access to YOU. This may come with being rejected or having to reject, because Venus will square Saturn on Sept 17th at 7°20’. This feeling of pain is short-lived though, because after Venus applies to Saturn, it makes an application to Jupiter, resolving the challenges Saturn brought. The Venus/Jupiter square will take place on Sept 30th, at 22°59’ of Scorpio. Generally, squares from Benefics can actually be more motivating to push towards positive or constructive experiences, while squares from malefics are motivating for challenges. This square takes place 3 days after Mercury stations Retrograde, and Venus will be in her own Decan, and still retain dignity by Triplicity during the Day time. This square can show resolution through release. It feels like a huge exhale.

A Note on Relationships

Not every Mercury or Venus Retrograde will indicate a definitive break up with your partner. If you look at the houses of what Mercury/Venus rules, you may find that in your own chart, they don’t deal with those topics. If you cultivate enough trust, devotion, and commitment (Venusian themes) to your partner, and that same devotion and trust are being reciprocated, these periods of revision could mean a deepening of connection, rather than things splitting apart. Astrology reflects life, so if you personally anticipate the trajectory of relationships splitting apart, then you can anticipate the timing of that with the Retrogrades. However, if you’re in a good place with your partner, you can anticipate Retrogrades to be a period of deep introspection about this relationship and the level of worth and value it plays in your life to deepen. Or, the Retrogrades may not even represent that at all. Like I said. I write this as I’m thinking about the Mercury Retrograde in Libra and how a lot of the messages I’ve been getting are re-examining relationships, particularly the level of depth you are retaining from them, but I want to let folks know that there isn’t anything to fear. If you’re in a solid place with your partner. Nothing will shake that as long as you two are devoted to each other. Use discernment when trying to understand who these transits could be about. For me, I know its co-workers because Mercury’s ruled (Venus) is in my 6th of Scorpio.


Mars enters Libra (9.14-10.30)

Mars enters Libra on Tuesday Sept 14th at 8:14 PM ET.

Mars enters the sign of its Detriment, ruled by Venus in Scorpio who forms a mutual reception with Mars. Mars also is completing its synodic cycle and conjoins the Sun on October 9th at 16° of Libra, along with Mercury Rx. This provided a resolution to the Mars Retrograde of 2020 in Aries. Mercury will be cozying up with Mars in a Cazimi to the Sun while Mercury is Retrograde in Libra, and Mercury’s Cazimi with the Sun marks the halfway point in the Rx cycle

Take a Look. I have to pose the question if this is really a resolution though because Mercury will be Retrograde, which brings us a moment of questioning whether the decisions we made are satisfactory for what we currently desire.

Mars finds its Detriment in Libra, but this does not mean Mars is weak. Mars actually exacerbates the motion of the scales and throws things out of balance. Mars challenges who decide what justice is and challenges what that looks like. I talk a lot about Libra and Stillness being important themes of balance, and how in order for things to be still, their mass must be equal on either side of the scales. This is why Saturn exalts in Libra, it is able to maintain the stillness of balance on the scales. Mars represents action, initiation, motion, direction, and piercing things, and in Libra, Mars finds its Detriment because of how much stillness there is, and how any motion Mars does, may throw things out of balance. Mars walks on eggshells literally. Mars is a warrior, and Mars is a fighter, in Libra Mars can fight for our own individual visions of what justice looks like, and fight for the ways we feel like our own desires, wants, and needs were unheard, not listened to, and purposefully ignored. It’s also interesting that Mars is in Detriment in Libra, because the last time Mars was in Detriment was earlier in the year, from Jan 6th to March 3rd. Now from Sept 14th to October 30th, 2021, we will experience the other side of Mars being in Detriment. I think people will be talking a lot about what justice looks like, and people will be speaking up for themselves to fight for their justice. Hear people speak their truth. Listen to people. Mercury is also in Libra. The voice becomes a weapon used to tip the scales. Mars is entering an Air Sign again and hasn’t been in an air sign since it was in Gemini from March 3rd to April 23rd, 2021. This can indicate a lot of mental conflicts and trying to resolve things. When Mars enters air signs, its periods where mental activity (Air) can increase. Mars in Libra is like telling someone to “relax” when they clearly do not want to relax. Tipping the scales will be the consequence of one’s own actions, and that’s why Saturn exalts here: consequences are carefully considered before action. Think about your next move carefully. Think about the consequence of your actions and decisions, especially since the Sun will be in Libra, and the Sun enters the sign of its Fall on Sept 22nd. Things can “fall” gently, or they can fall forcefully. The stereotype of Libra being indecisive can come from the fact that both Mars and the Sun are debilitated here, but having this be the domicile of Venus and the Exaltation of Saturn, it’s not that deciding is an issue, it’s facing the consequences of your actions. This is especially important as the 2nd Decan of Libra is ruled by Saturn/Saturn, and the only other Decan ruled by Saturn/Saturn is the 3rd Decan in Taurus. I will say that Libra is a more challenging environment for Mars than Taurus because at least Mars has dignity by Triplicity being in an Earth Sign, but in Libra, Mars finds no support and must act even when Mars is unsure of what the right decision to make is.

Decision making, thinking about the future, thinking about the impact of your decisions on your external reality.

The 1st Decan of Libra is ruled by Venus and the Moon, and is the Tarot Card, the Two of Swords. ♀☽

The 2nd Decan of Libra is ruled by Saturn/Saturn, and is the Three of Swords ♄ ♄

The 3rd Decan of Libra is ruled by Mercury and Jupiter, and is the Four of Swords. ☿ ♃

You could see people being more hostile with their words since Mercury and Mars are co-present in the same sign. Understand how the voice and language can be used as a weapon to wage war, a signification if Libra.

This article is a series of Twitter threads compiled into a larger post. You can find the original threads on Twitter here


Saturn Rejoicing in the 12th House


Mercury enters Cancer (2021)