Mercury enters Cancer (2021)

Mercury enters Cancer today, July 11th, 2021 at 4:35 PM ET, leaving its domicile in Gemini where it has stayed for approximately 2 months, since May 3rd 2021 at 10:52 PM ET. While the nodes are still in Gemini/Sag, Mercury will continue to be Retrograding in Air signs, giving us an extended and deep understanding of what connection, communication, and relationships mean. Air is how we have the ability to connect to one another. Language, communication, noises, all pass through air and need air to stay alive. Air is how we are connected to each other in a mental way, and Mercury passing through Gemini, it’s own domicile, dealt a lot with how we connect to each other, the types of relationships we form, and making choices to re-evaluate if the relationships we have are worth our time and energy. Mercury and Gemini have a lot to deal with choice. What does it mean to be able to chose? Mercury deals with our choices and decisions we make, and we may have found ourselves bouncing back and forth between decisions with Mercury in Gemini, feeling indecisive of what path to take in our lives, and what is the purpose of all that? These past 3 weeks of the Retrograde have not only changed things a lot for me, but also for many clients I’ve seen. 

As we come to the end of this Mercury in Gemini transit, I can conclude that Gemini transits are indeed malefic. Especially since the North Node is exalted in Gemini, it can create a lot of confusion, and a lot of mental activity. One of the things I’ve personally discovered about this Mercury in Gemini (transiting through my first house) is that it has coincided with me having a lot of anxiety attacks, and having to really deal with mental health. On that topic, as Mercury goes into Cancer, our brains and minds come to get a nice relief in the warm waters of Cancer. Mercury typically doesn’t like to be in water signs, because Mercury prefers the drier environment of Earth in Virgo, and the changeable but detached environment of Air in Gemini. In Water, Mercury is put into situations where emotional discernment and intelligence are big keys. The brain becomes very much connected with the body when Mercury enters Cancer, and providing relief to the brain happens through connecting with the needs and nourishment of the body. Mercury being in the sign ruled by the Moon means that Mercury is also changing a lot as well, it is best during this time to allow yourself to experience the fluidity of your decisions changing as your needs do. Prioritizing your mental health and nourishment will be important, and making those necessary, physical, changes in order to be able to do so. Mercury in water signs is traditionally labeled as ‘mute’ and I think a lot of this comes from Mercury really needing to feel things out before speaking, or making decisions. The vibe of this transit is to “see how you feel”, and work to defend yourself, your body, and your health. Creating a controlled environment will work in your favor.

Mercury, being ruled by the Moon, in Cancer means that each of the lunations that comes up while Mercury is in Cancer will be important moments for understanding what Mercury in Cancer wants from us. Our next lunation will take place on July 23rd, 2021 at 10:36 PM ET at 1º26’ of Aquarius. One thing thats very interesting about this lunation is that it falls on the degree that Saturn stationed on last year when it briefly entered Aquarius, after finishing its cycle in Capricorn. One of the things that coincided with this Retrograde was COVID and attempting to work at getting the world locked down as we moved into Summer of 2020 (which did not work), I think a very similar theme of needing to bring world locked down will happen again because of this lunation, that foreshadows what Jupiter re-entering Aquarius will be like (in my opinion that will coincide with the lockdowns that will take place from August-October due to the Delta Variant of COVID). Additionally, one of the things this Full Moon highlights is also visibility, community, and the ways in which we are connected through structure and organization, and how sometimes we may need to make choices to leave certain circumstances to leave people behind, embody isolation, and embody venturing out into the unknown and taking the road less traveled by. Choosing yourself will be a big part of Mercury in Cancer, and choices are determined by your needs, want, and what is sustainable for you to feel comfortable. 


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