Venus enters Leo (June 27th, 2021)

Venus enters Leo at 12:26 AM ET on Sunday June 27th, 2021. Venus enters extremely hostile territory as the two malefics and Uranus fight it out in this T-Square they’ve been forming. Venus entering the party brings the idea of relationships into the picture, as this Mars/Saturn opposition gleams closer on July 1st. Venus is not particularly fond in Leo, as the environment is a little too hot, a little too dry, and a little too LOUD for the wet and cold nature of venus. Venus is all about the magnitude others have on us and the force they have to alter and change us. That is what love is. It is a force to be REVERED. Something so powerful can consume you and altar your direction and motion completely. Having Venus enter the sign of the Sun is going to be all about how you can love yourself and prioritize yourself. You are the priority before ANYONE else with Venus in Leo, and this may cause a lot of tension in conflict. Venus will be crossing into the Fixed Fortress of Saturn, Uranus, and Mars, and this means unexpected changes (Uranus) and bonds that have been formed (Saturn) start to break as a result of us choosing ourselves. Choosing ourselves does come with the temporary cost of isolation and loneliness, however that does not mean the feeling will be permanent. July highlights a LOT of challenging aspects in the Astro Weather, such as Mars opposing Saturn, Mars opposing Jupiter, Jupiter regressing into Aquarius, first out of two Full Moons in Aquarius, the list goes on. What power does Venus have? Venus has the power to balance out the playing field between Mars and Saturn with a little extra tug. In this Mars/Saturn opposition, its all about independence and the rejection that comes with being independent. Venus opposite Saturn is very much learning that not everyone is going to like you, but the conjunction to Mars is literally the lyrics from my favorite Madonna song of all time:

“You can call me a sinner, and you can call me a saint. Celebrate me for who I am, dislike me for what I ain't. Put me up on a pedestal or drag me down in the dirt. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but your names will never hurt.

I'll be the garden, you'll be the snake. All of my fruit is yours to take. Better the devil that you know, your love for me will grow, because

This is who I am, you can like it or not, you can love me or leave me cause I'm never gonna stop

Cleopatra had her way, Mata Hari too. Whether they were good or bad is strictly up to you”. Like it Or Not, Confessions on a Dancefloor, 2005.

The best sort of self love is knowing that you can do absolutely anything you want to do by your own volition. If love is something that compels us to make certain decisions and choices in our life, being represented by Venus, Venus being in the sign of the Sun is embodying love itself. How do we embody love? We make choices for ourselves that prioritize our needs to feel autonomous over ourselves. The Sun deals all with autonomy, authority, agency, and willpower. The Sun’s function is in the solar system plays a huge part in this. It is the center of our solar system, in which everything revolves around it due to its mass effecting the gravity around it. It has the ability to pull in anything that comes within its gravitational pull. Gravity and how something is pulled inwards is the Sun, or how something is changed by the Sun’s very presence. This is what stars do, and it’s what astronomers noticed when testing Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity during a Total Solar Eclipse. It is the idea that the more massive an object, the more it warps the space around it, and this can be observed during a total solar eclipse. The Sun’s very presence changes things. It is the very principle of willpower, and it is in all of us by the very fact that we have consciousness. We all have will to act. We are all comprised of the Sun and the Moon. That’s what the Ascendant is: the meeting point of the sky (Sun), and the Earth (Moon). “How is the spirit materialized?” is the question of the ascendant. The spirit moves through the flesh, the body, our physicality, and gets trapped, until death where it is released. In understanding that we are source itself, embodying love is a bold practice, and love requires courage with Venus in Leo. Love requires action. Be love.


Mars Opposes Saturn


The Lot of Fortune and Spirit